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CPA mentorship program: Overview for future CPAs

The CPA mentorship program is an important component of the practical experience training that future CPAs must complete as they work toward earning their CPA designation. Learn more about how the mentorship program works and the key benefits for you as a CPA student or candidate.

As you complete your practical experience term, a CPA mentor will guide your competency development as well as your development of the profession’s values, ethics, and attitudes. You will be able to function as a competent professional in an increasingly complex and demanding environment.

Mentorship for CPA students/candidates

The matching process for mentorship depends on which route you choose to obtain your practical experience requirements:

  • Pre-approved program: Future CPAs are matched with a CPA mentor by the organization offering the program.
  • Experience verification: Future CPAs seek out their own CPA mentor to find a successful fit. The profession will help match CPA students/candidates with CPA mentors if they are unsuccessful in finding a mentor.

The profession may accept up to one year of experience earned prior to registering with the profession. After that time, the qualifying period of practical experience cannot begin until future CPAs have a CPA mentor.

Mentorship resources for future CPAs

We have developed a number of supportive resources to help you find a mentor. These resources include:


CPA Mentor Match Portal

The CPA Mentor Match Portal is an online, interactive system designed to assist future CPAs, working in the experience verification route (EVR), find an approved CPA mentor