Binders with papers on desk with blurred out businessman in the background.

Summary comparison of ASPE and IFRS

Receive a high-level comparison of Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), covering significant recognition and measurement differences only.

This publication provides a high-level comparison of ASPE (Part II of the CPA Canada Handbook – Accounting) and IFRS (Part I of the Handbook). It covers significant recognition and measurement differences only and does not necessarily include all the differences that might arise in a particular entity's circumstances. Presentation and disclosure requirements are not within the scope of this comparison.

This comparison includes:

  • summary comparison of ASPE (Part II) and IFRS (Part I)
  • Part I standards that have no counterpart in Part II
  • table of concordance relating each IFRS and Interpretation to material in Part II