Management accounting guidelines (MAGs)

CPAs play a pivotal and crucial role in creating resilient, adaptive, innovative and sustainable enterprises (RAISE). MAGs will prepare CPAs to address day-to-day business issues as well as critical disrupters that influence their decision-making processes.

finger touching virtual global, made up of dots of light

Change. It's global. It's constant. It's disruptive. It's the one constant in life and business that impacts everything. The drivers of change—societal, technological, economic, environmental, and geopolitical—are creating unprecedented challenges for organizations and CPAs alike.

The role of CPAs is also evolving to address the constant change. CPA Canada is developing resources in the form of management accounting guidelines (MAGs)—which provides guidance on how to implement a particular strategic or operational activity in your organization. The MAGs are meant to provide strategic insight into the competency areas of strategy, risk, financial, performance, and professional and leadership skills (with an overarching theme of emerging business issues and needs), along with the associated impacts, risks and opportunities for the business and accounting professional of today and tomorrow.

The MAGs are suitable for business and accounting professionals as they embark on their professional development journey. Such guidance is relevant in ensuring both professionals and organizations are resilient, adaptive, and innovative, creating sustainable enterprises.

For additional information or for general inquiries, please contact us.

MAGs survey

Your voice and input will make an impact on what products and services you receive from CPA Canada. We want to strengthen your voice in the industry and help you excel in your career. Take our survey and let us know how helpful they are and what else you'd like to receive.

Explore MAGs by competency: