Hand holding section of earth with plants and buildings superimposed over natural landscape with sustainability icons.

City of Vancouver: Incentivizing action along the value chain case study

Learn how the city of Vancouver has implemented guidance from the A4S Essential Guide to Incentivizing Action Along the Value Chain.

In 2019, the City of Vancouver implemented a Social Value Procurement Framework as part of their Healthy City Strategy with the goal of embedding social procurement into how they do business. Download this case study to learn how they developed this framework with a goal to embed social procurement into how the city does business.

About this project

Incentivizing Action Along the Value Chain is a guide developed by the Canadian Chapter of The Prince of Wales’s Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) project and builds upon the A4S Essential Guide series. The guide can be downloaded here. The project team applied the framework in the guide and implemented learnings to produce detailed, practical examples for finance professionals.