Close-up of a person holding a magnifying glass over a business document

Professional skepticism: The golden key to an auditor’s success

Sound judgement is essential when performing a successful external audit. Learn why it’s important to practice professional skepticism and what the consequences are when you don’t.

Professional skepticism is an important part of the approach auditors must take in their work, and a foundational value for the profession.

In this online course, you will complete four modules that use interactive case studies, theory, and real-life perspectives from fellow CPAs to explore professional skepticism.

You will also learn about the potential consequences of not practicing this core competency and have a chance to discuss its importance for navigating change and new technologies.

  • why professional skepticism is a necessary mindset for auditors
  • the integrity of auditor responsibilities to stakeholders
  • how to identify and overcome obstacles when exercising professional skepticism
  • the risks of not exercising professional skepticism
  • understanding professional skepticism in the context of change and new technologies

  • partners
  • senior managers
  • professional accountants at every level
  • members in public practice


This material in this webinar is provided for educational purposes only. Although it has been carefully prepared and reviewed, CPA Canada cannot accept legal responsibility for its contents or for any consequences arising from its use.

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