business person using calculator to check numbers on several business documents

VFR certificate, part 2: Introduction to valuation for financial reporting

Take a deeper dive into valuation for financial reporting (VFR). Learn how to account for business acquisitions, value intangible assets, and analyze impairment in a financial reporting context.

Build on the fundamental principles you covered in the first part of this program. Over the course of four online modules and one formative case study, you will refine your expertise in valuation and apply it to the specialized area of VFR.

Learn about and gain access to a select number of accounting and auditing standards such as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE) and Canadian Auditing Standards (CAS) relevant to VFR to enhance your knowledge. The International Valuation Standards (IVS), which serve as a key guide for valuators internationally, are also available.

You’ll complete an in-depth case study to apply what you’ve learned about VFR and receive expert feedback.

Note: Part 2 can be taken individually or paired with Part 1 to earn the VFR Certificate.

CPA Canada and Chartered Business Valuators (CBV) Institute

  • financial reporting standards (IFRS & ASPE) applicable to business combinations, fair value measurement, and impairment valuing intangible assets using one of three available approaches: cost, market and income
  • business combinations and relevant financial reporting standards
  • the different methods within the income approach, such as the relief from royalty and multi-period excess earnings method, and when to apply them
  • impairment issues involving intangible assets
  • auditing accounting estimates and using the work of an auditor’s expert
  • your role in financial reporting as a valuation professional

  • controllers
  • analysts
  • business valuators
  • auditors
  • accountants
  • Financial executives

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