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Webinar on International and Canadian Sustainability Reporting Developments

This webinar will provide you with information on the IFRS Foundation’s newly formed International Sustainability Standards Board, its first proposed standards, and important Canadian sustainability-related standard-setting and regulatory developments.

Recent global and national developments in sustainability reporting present both opportunities and challenges for capital market participants.

In November 2021, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation established the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) in response to calls from investors and other stakeholders for high quality, reliable and comparable disclosures on climate and other sustainability issues. Offices in Montreal and Frankfurt, Germany will support the activities of the new Board.

The ISSB will develop a comprehensive global baseline of sustainability disclosure standards to meet investors’ information needs. To that end, it issued exposure drafts in March on its first set of proposed standards: climate-related disclosures and general requirements for sustainability disclosures.

Closer to home, the Canadian Securities Administrators recently closed a consultation on climate-related disclosure proposals. An Independent Review Committee on Standard Setting in Canada just closed a consultation of its own, one focused on the governance and structure for establishing Canadian accounting and assurance standards. The consultation also explored future imperatives, including the need to support the development of sustainability disclosure standards.

It’s important for business leaders and others to monitor developments in this area and understand evolving market and regulatory expectations for sustainability reporting. This webinar will provide important information on:


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