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The data-driven audit: AI and automation's impact on audit and auditors' roles

Learn how automation and artificial intelligence (AI) will change the audit and the role of the auditor. This is the second publication in a series that explores AI and its impact on the CPA profession.

In collaboration with the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), CPA Canada has issued this publication, The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor. This follows the foundational paper, A CPA's Introduction to AI: From Algorithms to Deep Learning, What You Need to Know.

In addition to exploring the benefits of an AI-enabled audit and how AI will evolve the audit and the role of the auditor, this publication also considers the change in mindset required to meet the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities this evolution presents. Further, it provides a peek into the next step on the digital journey beyond the current state of AI, as well as the assurance-related opportunities that will directly result from these continued advancements.

Learn about what auditors can do to get into the AI game, including:

  • auditing in the digital world—benefits and considerations
  • explainability—AI and the black box
  • financial statement auditing in the future

CPA Canada and the AICPA encourage all CPAs to continue to learn about AI and other technologies which may impact you as a CPA.