Environmental technology concept. Sustainable development goals. SDGs.

CPA Canada comment letter on proposed changes to IFRS Foundation constitution

Read our submission to the IFRS Foundation trustees on proposed amendments to its constitution to accommodate an International Sustainability Standards Board.

The IFRS Foundation trustees issued a consultation relating to the governance and composition of a proposed International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). If established, the new board will develop a set of global standards for reporting on environmental, social and governance matters.

CPA Canada supports the IFRS Foundation’s proposal to create a new ISSB under its governance structure and we commend the IFRS Foundation for moving quickly on the establishment of an ISSB while ensuring it is set up to operate in an effective manner.

Read our full response letter on the Exposure Draft and comment letters: Proposed Targeted Amendments to the IFRS Foundation Constitution to Accommodate an International Sustainability Standards Board to Set IFRS Sustainability Standards.