Image of a globe with a face mask and piles of coins in front of black background with graph.

ASNPO alert: Subsequent events and other considerations related to COVID-19

Learn about whether not-for-profit organizations applying Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations (ASNPO) in Part III of the CPA Canada Handbook – Accounting (Handbook) should adjust annual financial statements issued in 2020 for the effects of COVID-19.

Should not-for-profit organizations applying ASNPO in Part III of the Handbook adjust annual financial statements issued in 2020 for the effects of COVID-19? The accounting treatment will depend on whether the financial statements cover a period that has been affected by COVID-19 or whether COVID-19 is a subsequent event.

Topics include:

  • when to disclose the effects of COVID-19 in the financial statements
  • when to adjust the financial statements for the effects of COVID-19
  • going concern matters
  • auditor considerations