Performance measurement for non-profit organizations (NPOs)

Learn how to achieve your organization's strategic objectives in uncertain, unpredictable and volatile environments using performance measurement. This three-part series is your essential guide to the four-stage performance measurement approach.

Casually dressed business person standing among  hand-written business notes and ideas

Even with a well-articulated mission statement, many NPOs struggle with performance measurement. Organizations that fail to link performance to strategy will have difficulties maximizing the effectiveness of their operations.

Following a balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement that’s designed for NPOs will turn strategy into action and enable the attainment of strategic outcomes. Use this collection of resources to help your organization execute the four stages of performance measurement.

In this series, you will learn:

  • how to help your organization execute its performance measurement strategy
  • how a step-by-step, four-stage, strategy-mapping and performance measurements process will help organizations in the non-profit sector achieve their vision, mission and strategies, generate breakthrough results and effectively address the needs of stakeholders
  • how to develop performance measures, report on performance and discover the changes your organization needs to make
  • from the experience of a real-life NPO example, Habuela Springs Swim Club, which embarked on this performance measurement journey to yield many years of sustained success

Learn more about and download the individual electronic publications, including an overview, guideline, and case study, below.