Hands holding coins, glass globe, tree and butterfly.

International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB): Resources and guidance

Prepare your entity for upcoming Sustainability Disclosure Standards issued by the ISSB with our suite of guidance and resources.

The following resources and guidance will help you navigate and prepare your entity for the upcoming Sustainability Disclosure Standards issued by the ISSB. You’ll find practical guidance and examples to help you get started.

Below includes the first publication within a series of reporting alerts on topics within S1 and S2, focusing on challenging and complex concepts.

CPA Canada is a partner in the IFRS Foundation’s Partnership Framework for capacity building.

  • Sustainability Reporting Alert: Scope 1 & 2 GHG Emissions – Download now
  • Sustainability Reporting Alert: Scope 3 GHG Emissions – Download now
  • Sustainability Reporting Alert: Climate-Related Scenario Analysis – Download now

Additional resources and guidance:

More resources and guidance prepared through the IFRS Foundation’s Partnership Framework for capacity building can be found on the ISSB’s Knowledge Hub.