Finger of a business person directing a large arrow followed by smaller arrows

Cross-functional collaboration to deliver critical goals

The success of any organization depends on engaged employees that clearly understand cross-functional lines of support. A shortfall in cross-functional support is often cited as a key factor when teams miss their goals.

This virtual classroom presents a new concept to break down silos and manage cross-functional collaboration. When teams collaborate across functional lines your organization is more likely to achieve its most important goals.

One of the biggest challenges in strategic and operational planning is aligning teams across the organization. Organizational performance suffers when “supporting lines” aren’t working effectively or assumptions of support and alignment are made across the organization. In many cases, apparent support failures are actually due to miscommunication or an assumption without a formal commitment. A shortfall in cross-functional support is often cited as a key factor when teams miss their goals. Organizations need a modern operating system to achieve big goals and a better way to manage cross-functional collaboration, through effective operational planning and communication.

Join Jeff Smith as he guides you through discussions, strategies and tools using his SupportingLines™ model. He will share insights from his accomplished career and a practical, step-by-step guide that will help you to lead your organization toward more meaningful better collaboration, effective operational planning and improved communication.

There’s no shortage of great theories that tell us how to get people excited about their work but come Monday morning, leaders struggle to turn these perfectly good theories into boots-on-the-ground success stories. SupportingLines is different. Learn how to bridge the gap from vision to execution: improve organizational performance, empower your people and increase employee engagement.

At the end of this virtual classroom session participants will have a clearer understanding of how to set specific and clear performance goals and identify cross functional dependencies. This is a tangible, hands-on session where theory is applied to real-life scenarios so that you can take it back to your organization, and help your team achieve more of its goals.

Great leaders see supporting lines, not reporting lines.

  • how to set specific and clear performance goals
  • how to identify critical cross-functional dependencies, or SupportingLines
  • how to ensure those SupportingLines are visible, understood, agreed and delivered
  • how to track your organization’s progress against these goals and SupportingLines on a regular basis

You will also get a chance to work directly with a facilitator and a peer on a real-life organizational goal of your choosing.

  • managers and leadership positions in organizations
  • business owners
  • senior management

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