City Scape

FAQs: How to join CPA Canada

Answers to questions you may have while signing up to be part of the national body, including account setup and password reset.

Updated Sept. 6 2024

  1. Q: I already have a CPA Store account. Why am I being asked to reset my password?
  2. Q: I’m having trouble logging in to my CPA Store account. How can I resolve this?
  3. Q: What are the steps to reset my password?
  4. Q: I didn’t receive the password reset email. What should I do?
  5. Q: Do I need my CPA Canada number to join?
  6. Q: How do I look up my CPA number?
  7. Q: How will I know if my registration and payment were successful?
  8. Q: Can I update my email address or other contact information after I create my profile?
  9. Q: The payment page isn’t loading. How can I ensure my payment goes through?

Q: I already have a CPA Store account. Why am I being asked to reset my password?

The revamped CPA Store launched this summer. As part of the new login process, all existing account holders must reset their store credentials.

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Q: I’m having trouble logging in to my CPA Store account. How can I resolve this?

You need to update your password. If you are unsure if you have an account, please set up a new account.

If you already have an account, please click here to reset your password.

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Q: What are the steps to reset my password?

If you are logging in to the CPA Store using your existing account, you will need to reset your password.

A password creation link will be sent to your email. This may take a few minutes, check your inbox and your junk.

Follow the steps in the email and you will be led back to the CPA Store. Click “Join CPA Canada” at the top right of the page to proceed.

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Q: I didn’t receive the password reset email. What should I do?

It may take a few minutes for the password reset email to send. Check your junk folder just in case.  If you have an account already it may have gone to the primary address associated with your account. If you don’t remember, create a new account.

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Q: Do I need my CPA Canada number to join?

You can sign up without it and we’ll match it later.

If you previously created an account, you can look it up here:

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Q: How do I look up my CPA number?

If you are a CPA in Ontario or Quebec, you should have received an email containing your CPA Canada number on Sept. 4.

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Q: How will I know if my registration and payment were successful?

You will receive onscreen confirmation, as well as an email confirming your registration and payment. An invoice will be included in your confirmation email.

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Q: Can I update my email address or other contact information after I create my profile?

Of course! You can visit My Profile in the top right corner of the store to update your information at any time.

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Q: The payment page isn’t loading. How can I ensure my payment goes through?

We’re currently receiving a large number of orders, and it may take a moment. Please click only once on the pay and submit button to ensure your payment is made correctly and is not duplicated.

You can also check your email for your order confirmation.

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