Illustration of smart phone with accounting graphs and symbols.

Episode 4: Why CPAs are the best choice to produce sustainability reports

Armand Capisciolto FCPA, FCA shares his perspective on the difference between sustainability reports and financial statements, and whether CPAs are the best choice to produce them.

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Sustainability reports and financial statements deliver information that providers of capital seek before making investment decisions.  

So, what is the CPA’s role with these information documents? 

Through the application of accounting standards, CPAs add credibility to the information in financial statements. Then, as auditors, they provide an additional layer of credibility to that information. By applying these core competencies, Armand believes accountants, not MBAs or environmental scientists, are best positioned to set the standard for sustainability reporting.

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guest and do not necessarily reflect those of CPA Canada