Tips and secrets smart Canadians know
Learn about the basics of banking, credit and taxes.
Time frame: 60 min
Audience: new Canadian immigrants who have been in Canada less than two years
Learning objectives for participants:
- learn why a bank account is needed and how to choose the right bank and banking services
- understand the advantages and dangers of using debit cards, credit cards and ATMs
- learn how to use effective money management skills to build credit history
- understand the terms used on a pay statement and the purpose of payroll deductions
- understand when, why and how to file an annual income tax return
- know where to go for support and guidance
- overview
- bank accounts and banking services
- ATMs, debit cards and credit cards
- ATM — 24 hour banking
- how a debit card works
- credit cards — temporary loan
- transaction fees can add up
- establishing a credit history
- understanding your pay cheque and your payroll deductions
- filing your income tax return
- when and how to file
- getting the help needed
- resources
- Q&A
Learning materials:
- Canadian Currency — a visual guide for Canadian currency (paper and coin)
- How to Write a Cheque — explains the different parts of a cheque and how to write one
- Debit Card & Credit Card — explains the different parts of a debit card and a credit card
- Sample T4 Slip — a sample income tax slip
- Sample Pay Cheque Stub — explains the different the parts of a pay cheque stub
- Glossary of Terms — defines various financial terms and items
For questions, please email us.
Proudly sponsored by Canada Life, our National Development Sponsor.
Want a session in your area?
We will provide a CPA volunteer to lead the session with a prepared presentation, activities, handouts and worksheets. Note: If more than one session is needed, please fill out a second form and submit.
Request guidelines:
- 12 weeks’ notice needed to setup a session.
- Requests must be submitted by the request deadline.
- If more than five sessions are needed, please contact us directly.
For more information, visit setting up a financial literacy session.