room interior with a crib, cloud shaped lamps and a toy horse

Babies: How to afford your bundle of joy

Are you a new or expectant parent? Are you planning on growing your family? Learn how you can budget and prepare for your new arrival.
Chapters Indigo
Book (Softcover) | $19.95Purchase Now
Book (Softcover) | $19.75 Purchase Now
Kindle edition | $8.69 Purchase Now

Babies: How to afford your bundle of Joy is a powerful tool that can help you create a baby budget, plan your parental leave, guide you through different childcare options, and make you aware of the hidden costs associated with your growing family.

This book includes helpful strategies and practical tips and examples, as well as working templates.


  • identifying the baby products and gear that you really need, and the most cost-efficient way to source them
  • parental leave, maximizing EI payments, receiving top-ups and benefits, and capitalizing on income tax rebates
  • planning for childcare and the different childcare options
  • the government benefits available to you
  • other hidden costs associated with a growing family

Note: This is book is English only.

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