Close-up of a microphone. A crowd is out of focus in the background.

CPA Canada: In support of the public interest

Learn how Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) strives to achieve its obligation to serve the best interests of the public.

The guiding principle and overarching objective of CPA Canada is enabling Canada’s accounting profession to serve and protect the public. To meet that objective, we consistently develop and promote programs and advocate for public policy that serves consumers, businesses and organizations.

Business person studying at desk.

Providing high-quality professional development

By providing high-quality professional development and extensive guidance to members, contributing to accounting standard setting in Canada and worldwide, and advocating for the profession and the public on Parliament Hill, we ensure Canada’s accounting profession optimally serves the public interest.

Key activities and achievements

To fulfil our commitment to foster public confidence in the CPA profession and to act in the public interest, we engage in the following activities:

  • protecting Canadians by supporting domestic standard setting for the accounting profession
  • supporting global accounting standards through the IFRS Foundation and the International Federation of Accountants
  • contributing to accountability and transparency through practices that contribute to healthy capital markets
  • advancing financial literacy in Canada through an award-winning education program, research initiatives and special events
  • empowering future Indigenous leaders through an accounting mentorship program
  • welcoming and leveraging the insights and expertise of volunteers
  • introducing professional education and prerequisite education programs as foundational entry points to certification
  • liaising with decision makers in the federal government to promote policy and administration improvements