Tracy Chehab

Tracy Chehab

CPA Canada board member

Tracy Chehab, CPA


  • Bachelor of Commerce, Concordia University, 2001
  • Member of the Ordre des CPA du Québec, 2004 


Tracy joined the CPA Canada Board of Directors in September 2022.

She has served as partner within KPMG’s Large Audit practice in Montreal since 2019. Tracy has over 20 years of experience in auditing public and private companies throughout Canada and abroad in multiple industries such as transportation, retail, aerospace, manufacturing and technology. She has experience auditing the financial statements of complex public clients that report in U.S. GAAP and IFRS in Canada and cross-border in the U.S.

Tracy’s experience includes six years of inspection and thought leadership experience with the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB). During her time at CPAB, she had an active role in regulatory oversight, international standard setting activities and regular outreach to stakeholders on the importance of audit quality.

Tracy is involved in the community serving as the Treasurer of the Montreal Chest Institute Foundation of the McGill University Health Centre. She has also served as a member of the professional inspection committee of the Order of Certified Professional Accountants of Quebec and is a volunteer facilitator at the Collège des Administrateurs de Sociétés.