Close up of Canadian dollar coins or "loonies"

Building wealth in Canada

Learn ways and options to effectively manage money.

Time frame: 60 min

Audience: new Canadian immigrants who have been in Canada more than two years

Learning objectives for participants:

  • learn to create a realistic budget
  • understand cash flow and how to control it
  • learn how to effectively manage money
  • learn how to define a financial plan
  • understand the difference between “good debt” and “bad debt”
  • understand the difference between “wants” and “needs”
  • understand the key features of RRSPs, RESPs and TFSAs, and how they can help put a financial plan into action
  • know where to go for support


  • overview
  • creating a budget you can stick to
  • understanding cash flow
  • the secret to being a good money manager
  • defining your own financial plan
  • sorting out your wants and needs
  • three savings vehicles worth considering
  • putting your financial plan in action
  • some helpful resources

Learning Materials:

  • Sample Budget Worksheet
  • SMART Goals Worksheet — helps set SMART goals which are specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, time-framed
  • Glossary of Terms — defines various financial terms and items


For questions, please email us.

Proudly sponsored by Canada Life, our National Development Sponsor.

Want a session in your area?

We will provide a CPA volunteer to lead the session with a prepared presentation, activities, handouts and worksheets. Note: If more than one session is needed, please fill out a second form and submit.

Request guidelines:

For more information, visit setting up a financial literacy session.