Businessman separates the wooden puzzle with a picture of money.

Uncoupling: The Ugly Truth About Divorce and Finances

Divorce and separation are never easy. Understand the steps involved and doing what’s necessary to prepare will make this difficult time easier for everyone.
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04004-CC-Uncoupling-coverGoing through separation and divorce is an emotional and financial rollercoaster. There is so much to understand, prepare, read, gather, and act on and it all makes for an incredibly draining process. Uncoupling: The Ugly Truth about Divorce and Finances is here to help. 

This book has everything from the basics to the nitty-gritty when it comes to separation and divorce, with an emphasis, of course, on finances. Along with stories of people going through their own separations and divorces are the voices of experts covering everything from the specifics of Canada’s Divorce Act and parenting agreements to the tax implications of divorce and financial post-divorce to-dos. Divorce rates in Canada are on the rise and Uncoupling will provide much-needed information for those on this difficult journey.

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