A stethoscope is shown lying on a clipboard with a pen.

Divestitures: Lessons from the field – Case study

Follow the real-life example of how a health care information company used the five-step divestiture process. Learn how it approached opportunities and threats along the way to yield a successful transaction.

Are you looking for real-life examples to help you or your client manage a divestiture? Divestitures: Case Study takes you through the journey of the Robinson Corporation (based on a real organization, but with the named changed). This health-care information company has identified a long-time subsidiary as a potential divestiture and applies the five-step process with optimal results.

You will learn from:

  • detailed descriptions of how they tackled each stage
  • results from the post-mortem process, with recommendations for further improving performance
  • helpful visual examples of a:
    • bridge schedule
    • divestiture timeline and plan overview
    • divestiture team structure
    • projected growth and profitability analysis