A businessman dressed in a suit uses a special electronic pen to draw on a display screen.

Divestitures: Overview

Gain a better understanding of corporate divestitures and common errors in the planning and execution of transactions. Learn to conduct these transactions without eroding the value of property or the value to shareholders.

If you or your organization are considering selling some of your assets, Divestitures: Overview is an essential introductory guide. It provides an introduction to this concept and explores why divestiture is such an important management tool.

You will learn about:

  • what divestiture transactions are
  • why divestitures are important
  • how to conduct transactions without impairing their value or that of the company
  • differences between divestitures and other merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions
  • the five-step divestiture process model
  • how divestitures will add value