Gold bars sitting on printed financial charts

Viewpoints: Accounting for share purchase warrants (Mining)

Learn how a mining company should account for share purchase warrants it issues, both at the time they are issued and after the fact.

A common feature of financing transactions entered into by mining entities, in particular exploration stage companies, is the issuance of units which comprise share capital and share purchase warrants (warrants).

To understand how a mining company (the issuer) should account for share purchase warrants issued, both at the time of issuance and subsequently, read Viewpoints: Applying IFRSs in the Mining Industry — Accounting for Share Purchase Warrants Issued.

What you will learn

Developed jointly by Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) and the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, this paper features relevant information, illustrative examples and practical views to help you better understand the relevant considerations when accounting for warrants issued. It addresses the following topics:

  • warrants for services provided
  • warrants without services provided
  • measurement of warrants
  • modification of warrants
  • exercise of warrants
  • expiry of warrants