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COVID-19: Key practice management considerations and resources

We have compiled a summary of key practice management considerations and related CPA Canada and other resources to help you understand and address the practice management implications of the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 is having a significant impact on the operations, financial results and cash flows of many organizations. Practitioners have found that they are also not immune to the changes resulting from COVID-19 as the majority of practitioners have been required to adjust how they operate during these unprecedented times. Closures of physical offices have also caused practitioners to adopt remote work arrangements and encounter other practice management issues they have not dealt with before.

To help you navigate this new environment, we have compiled an inventory of resources which highlight some important considerations in the area of practice management.

Our latest resources


Success podcast series: Practice management considerations in times of crisis (On-Demand)
April 2020
In this special four-part podcast series, we explore a wide range of topics that focus on practice management considerations firms need to be aware of during a time of crisis, such as remote work, legal, insurance coverage, and firm leadership.

You are not alone: How practitioners can approach the topic of mental health (NEW)
Apple | Spotify | RSS | Transcript - Part 1 | Transcript - Part 2
April 2021
In this special two-part podcast series, listen to two small-to-medium-sized practitioners, Debbie Gorsline, FCPA, FCMA and Susan McIsaac, FCPA, FCA, and a human resources manager working at a small-to-medium-sized practitioner firm, Brianna Courneya, provide their first-hand experiences on how they have addressed the topic of mental health at their firms.


Mental health policy framework for small to medium-sized practitioners (NEW)
March 2021
In this special resource, we provide a general framework that small to medium-sized practitioners (SMPs) can follow when determining how to implement mental health initiatives at their firm. The framework consists of a list of general best practices that have been used by various small to medium-sized firms throughout Canada to promote mental health and wellness for all their employees. In addition, we provide links to various resources provided by CPA Canada, CPA provincial bodies and other government organizations SMPs can access for further information on specific areas of mental wellness.


Soft skills count: 7 ideas for keeping in touch with clients during COVID-19
April 2020

5 tips for effectively leading a remote team during the pandemic
April 2020

Kids in your isolation zone? 4 tips to share your workspace during COVID-19
April 2020

Carve out a productive daily schedule at home during COVID-19
April 2020

NOTE: The above material is provided for educational purposes only. Although it has been carefully prepared and reviewed, the presenters and Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) cannot accept legal responsibility for its contents or for any consequences arising from its use. The materials are meant to provoke and facilitate thought and reflection. The guidance provided to participants in response to these items is not to be interpreted as conclusive judgment on any specific situation and should not be directly applied to other situations.

External resources

Working remotely:

10 ways to stay social at a distance
March 2020 | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Managing your workforce
2021 | Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

Building a Human Firewall: How to Be Cyber-Resilient During the COVID-19 Pandemic
December 2020 | BDO Canada

COVID-19: People, technology, and the path to organizational resilience
2020 | Deloitte

Managing people and work remotely: Leading practices during COVID-19
2020 | EY

Leading practices for remote working
2020 | KPMG

Employee management:

Reimagine productivity: Working with intention
March 2020 | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Reimagine productivity: Tips and Tricks
April 2020 | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants  

COVID-19: Practical workforce strategies that put your people first
2020 | Deloitte

COVID-19: Managing talent risk
2020 | KPMG

Your post-pandemic business: How to keep your business moving and emerge stronger
2021 | PWC

Client management:

4 ways to help your clients get through coronavirus anxiety
April 2020 | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Crisis management:

How Small Firms Can Evolve in the COVID-19 Environment (Webinar)
July 2020 | International Federation of Accountants

These free webinars are available in three languages at four different times. Please click on the link above for further information on registration.

Small Business Continuity Checklist
May 2020 | International Federation of Accountants

Practice Transformation Action Plan
May 2020 | International Federation of Accountants

Crisis management: Let’s navigate the challenge together
2020 | BDO Canada

Crisis management & resilience planning: Being proactive during disruption
2020 | Deloitte

COVID-19 crisis management: ten better questions to ask
April 2020 | EY

Managing the impact of COVID-19 on your business: Focus on what you can control
March 2020 | Grant Thornton

Effectively managing your business through the COVID-19 crisis
April 2020 | KPMG

COVID-19: Confidently navigate through the coronavirus crisis
2020 | PWC

NOTE: Resources created by external organizations were not reviewed, developed or approved by CPA Canada. CPA Canada accepts no responsibility or liability that might occur directly or indirectly as a consequence of the use, application or reliance on these external resources.