Printouts featuring reports and bar graphs are arranged on a table fanning out from a blue folder.

What not-for-profit organizations need to know about annual reporting

Learn how not-for-profit organizations (NFPOs) can prepare high-quality annual reports that enhance transparency and accountability to their stakeholders.

Stakeholders expect NFPOs to demonstrate accountability and transparency. They take an interest in the administration of organizations receiving public funds, whether donor dollars, tax benefits or government funding, and are constantly asking questions about executive compensation, administrative costs, fundraising expenses, past successes and future prospects.

Annual reports can be part of the organization's strategy to communicate with stakeholders on the use of public funds and build trust and community support. Discover how to enhance your reporting practices with our updated Improved Annual Reporting by Not-for-Profit Organizations guidance.

Topics include:

  • the importance of integrated reporting
  • identifying stakeholders and determining their information needs
  • questions annual reports should answer and key elements of reporting
  • practical questions asked by annual report preparers and approvers
  • references to illustrative examples
  • other resources