Women holding smartphone with social media likes appearing

Secure your brand and reputation on social media

Learn about the importance of social media in scaling relationships with customers, as well as strategies to mitigate brand and reputational risk.

Social media is a key to success for any business wanting to scale its ability to manage relationships with audiences and to grow a vast customer base of one-on-one transactional relationships. The currency of social media is not money but trust.

Commercial activity is the by-product of trust-based relationships that successfully identify demand and offer a convenient supply of goods and services, while mitigating the risks of abuse. A professional social media strategy without an adequate plan to minimize risk can result in public embarrassment, financial loss or both.

In Securing Your Brand and Reputation on Social Media: Technology Spotlight, Claudiu Popa, CISSP, CIPP, CISA provides an overview on the positive impact of social media and risk mitigation strategies.

Key tips include:

  • creating a simple social media policy that sensitizes users to reputational risk and enforces consistent discipline about use and sharing of sensitive content
  • how to monitor your social media name so you are notified if the identity is used in the media
  • best practices for periodic reviews of user roles and trusted accounts to ensure no unauthorized administrators can post to your firm's social media profile

While social media can be one potential vector of attack, other cybersecurity risks have also risen to prominence. CPA Canada is committed to promoting awareness and understanding of various cybersecurity risks impacting organizations. Examples of other resources include publications on developing a risk management program and disclosure practices for cybersecurity and cybersecurity and data protection, as well as webinars on how to manage cybersecurity risks.