Business person holding out the symbol of a heart in their hands

20 questions directors of not-for-profit (NFP) organizations should ask about human resources

Download this free publication to access information and tools NFP directors can use to fulfill their governance role in human resources.

Serving as a director on the board of a NFP organization can be enriching and enjoyable. It also involves some significant responsibilities, and key among them is the board's stewardship of one of the organization's most important assets – its people. Discharging this responsibility requires directors to understand the multifaceted, rapidly evolving human resources challenges that are unique to the not-for-profit sector, while also being aware of the legal and regulatory landscapes that govern human resources.

You will learn about:

  • the director's role and responsibilities for overseeing the organization's overall HR strategy
  • how to recruit, manage and evaluate the organization's executive director
  • overseeing the organization's other employees, volunteers, independent contractors and other service providers
This publication is reviewed annually for relevance and accuracy.