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Brendan Dorney

Brendan is the channel director for EPICOR Software, leading EPICOR’s sales and delivery in the Canadian mid-tier manufacturing and distribution market. He works with eight national implementation partners, assisting in the evaluation, selection and delivery of EPICOR’s value-based business management software offerings in that market.

With a focus on manufacturing, Brendan has real world experience in the application of embedded extension components relevant to the manufacturing sector. These areas include leveraging MES (manufacturing execution systems), machine integration and IoT technologies to drive the profitable growth of Canadian companies. “The Factory of the Future” is a passion that drives Brendan as he guides organizations in their current day foundational financial planning.

Brendan has more than 20 years of business management software experience working with mid-tier enterprise resource planning (ERP) publishers with a focus on assisting organizations with revenues between 50 and 500 million dollars. He has a record of guiding Canadian companies’ growth and change across various manufacturing verticals.