Bruce Ball, CPA, CA

Bruce Ball


Bruce is vice-president, Taxation, at CPA Canada. Acting in the interest of the public, CPA Canada’s Tax group influences the development of an equitable, effective and efficient tax system in Canada, as well as delivers practical information and fresh perspectives on tax to members and the broader tax community. As such, Bruce leads a team of tax professionals who aim to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and recognition of CPA Canada’s work in the tax sector. Bruce also aims to increase CPA Canada’s reputation as the preeminent provider of core tax education in Canada.

With over 30 years’ experience, Bruce will continue to strengthen CPA Canada’s relationship with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and the Department of Finance, as well as collaborate with the various tax committees creating synergies and efficiencies.

Prior to joining CPA Canada, Bruce was national tax partner of BDO Canada LLP where he oversaw the firm’s tax practice providing support and leadership across the country, and was also head of the firm’s national tax department. Included in his duties were the responsibility over risk management, internal tax management, marketing of the tax practice and educating the firm’s staff on tax.

Always active in his community, Bruce is a member of the Canadian Tax Foundation’s board of governors, former member of the CRA’s Action Tax Force on Small Business Issues, former member of CPA Canada’s Tax Education Task Force, former co-chair of the Joint Committee on Taxation of the CBA and CPA Canada and former lecturer and course coordinator of CPA Canada’s In-depth tax issues for the owner-managed business course.