Carlie Weinreb

Carlie Weinreb

Carlie is a twelve-year-old grade ten math student who leverages her knowledge to become an international financial expert lecturer.

At six years old Carlie lectured University students on Canadian personal income tax at Canadian Universities including the University of Toronto and Western University.

Carlie has over 800,000 social media views.

At the age of nine she lectured at the Mastering Money Conference discussing RRSPs versus TFSAs.

Carlie has written articles including one for the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada where they referred to her as the "The future of Financial Literacy ".

She was on the Steve Harvey show and Bloomberg TV giving an American audience U.S. tax tips. She has been featured in international print media including Forbes and the prominent French magazine L'obs special edition as being one of the twenty generational leaders in the world.

Carlie addressed the United Nations in Geneva Switzerland at the Tax Coop Conference on tax avoidance. Carlie concluded with recommendations to curtail the tax leakage.

This recent year Carlie addressed the OECD in Paris France on the tax issues our global economy is facing given the impact of Robots and Artificial Intelligence.

Carlie's hobbies are competitive hip hop dance, tennis and fashion.