Dale Tesarowski

Dale Tesarowski

Dale received his Bachelor of Laws from the University of Manitoba, 1981. He joined Legal Aid Manitoba as an articling student in June 1981 in Thompson Manitoba, where he became Supervising Attorney before transferring to the Crown’s office in 1985. Dale transferred to Winnipeg and worked in the Youth, Domestic Violence, Provincial Trials, QB trials, and Appellate units until 2001. He then worked as a Supervising Senior Crown Attorney, running Manitoba’s Youth Prosecutions. He then was seconded to implement the YCJA. In 2004, he became a member of the Commercial Crime unit, where he prosecuted major fraud and theft cases.

In 2006, Dale moved to Regina to do Saskatchewan’s criminal law policy work with the Justice Ministry. He was promoted as executive director of the newly created Corporate Initiatives Branch in 2017.

Dale serves as national co-chair, Coordinating Committee of Senior Officials Youth Justice as well as co-chairs CCSO Criminal’s Cybercrime and Impaired Driving Working Groups. He sits on approximately a dozen other working groups at the FPT level. Dale also coordinates Saskatchewan’s cannabis legalization implementation and sits on several associated task groups.