Prakash Koirala

Prakash Koirala

Title/Position: Co-founder & Director

Company: FINLIT Nepal Pvt Ltd

Prakash has been working to promote financial literacy and financial inclusion in Nepal since 2009. He has founded FINLIT Nepal Pvt Ltd company working on financial inclusion. FINLIT Nepal is working with Central Bank of Nepal and other Banking and Financial Institution to design and implementation of the financial education project. For his work, Mr. Koirala was awarded the Child and Youth Finance Financial Education Awareness Award presented by Valerie Howarth at the British Parliament. He was selected by Western Union as a Financial Inclusion Champion from 17K application from all over the world. He has presented papers on promoting financial literacy at various events organized by Organization Economic Cooperation and Development. He has received a fellowship from Harvard Kennedy School, Frankfort Business School, Geneva University and Canadian Government Fellowship on micro-finance, digital finance, financial inclusion policy, SMEs, and Housing. He is the author of FINLICO- comic’s book of financial literacy and TEDx Speaker. He was one of the US Embassy Youth Council Member for 2016-2017. He is serving as a Global Shaper in the World Economic Forum and One Young World Ambassador. He is s visiting faculty of Bridgewater State University