Bailey Church

Bailey J. Church

Bailey is the leader of KPMG’s National Public Sector Accounting Advisory service line. His more than 17 years of experience includes substantial work in financial management, accounting, financial reporting and auditing matters within the public sector environment. Bailey is currently serving as the chair of Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada)’s task force to develop an accounting standard on public-private partnerships, with reference to international standards such as IFRIC 12 and IPSAS 32, and standards issued by FASAB, GASB and the U.K. Accounting Standards Board and the South African Accounting Standards Board.

Bailey is a well-known speaker at seminars and conferences across the country, including the Government Financial Officers Association, the Municipal Financial Officers Association of Ontario, the Institute of Internal Auditors, the Financial Management Institute, the Canadian Comprehensive Auditing Foundation and the Office of the Auditor General.