Craig Fookes

Craig Fookes

Following a college curriculum Craig attained his CMA designation in 1992 and has subsequently served in a variety of progressive senior finance roles.

Throughout a 35-year professional tenure Craig has enjoyed the opportunity to work in all the financial pillars. It has been both a privilege and a challenge to experience Banking, Insurance, Venture Capital, Asset Management, Online Brokerage, Advisory Brokerage, and most recently the Robo channel. The experiences that Craig has enjoyed have been extremely satisfying particularly with the regulatory environment that has been constantly changing and evolving.

Craig has focused the later part of his career in the Canadian Financial SMB space, which has experienced significant consolidation, which required him to be integral in the completion of four mergers and acquisition transactions.

As a progressive financial professional Craig has been a strong proponent in the use of data and analytics in support of financial processes, systems, and the overall control environment. Working with the Finance and IT staff allowed for the development of end to end data flow from core to financial systems and culminated with his team being awarded Most Innovative Finance Team 2016 from Wealth and Finance.

Although Craig has had a satisfying career and accolades for his work, he says greatest reward is the long term professional relationships developed and maintained with individuals of all backgrounds.