David Oldham

David Oldham


David has over 15 years of experience in public accounting and specializes in the mining industry.

David has served more than 10 clients in the mining industry, giving him experience in precious and base metals. He has a strong understanding of both corporate office and mine site issues and processes, and serves as the audit engagement partner for eight mining companies.

David has served on the audit of several of Canada’s leading mining companies. This has given him direct experience and insight into the governance structures, audit committee workings and the skill sets necessary for leading finance executives to succeed in today’s environment.

As well as serving on the audits of Canadian as well as Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registrants, David has participated in specialized engagements in the industry. These projects have involved the preparation of pro forma financial statements, purchase price accounting advice, documentation of mine site accounting policies and procedures, as well as detailed reviews of debt agreements, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) advisory projects and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) conversions in preparation of public listings, including involvement in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) conversion projects for mining clients.

David is also familiar with regulations and auditing standards related to securities filings and internal control audits. In addition, he has broad experience in the board room, working in foreign environments and a strong knowledge of the global mining industry. His work with his clients has also given him experience in many different countries, including several key mining geographies. His work with KPMG’s international mining group has taken him to 13 mines on four continents.