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Elenor Wardrop


Navigating the Handbooks: An Overview — 2015 is authored by Elenor Wardrop, MDE, CPA, CGA. Elenor is an accounting and business educator working with students both online and face-to-face. She was involved in the design and development of the CGA Executive Program, is a national examiner, and is involved in the development of educational materials for the CPA program of professional studies.

She has taught business and accounting courses at the College of New Caledonia and in the University of Northern British Columbia Continuing Studies division. She has worked in the forest industry, the not-for-profit sector, in First Nations’ government and small business. Elenor received her accounting designation in 1987 and completed a master’s degree in distance education in 2009. Working with Dianne Conrad at Athabasca University, Elenor was involved in research into the effects of mentoring adults engaged in prior learning assessment. Results of that research are reported in The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education (CJSAE), November 2010.