Emily Heath

Dr. Emily Heath

Dr. Emily Heath
Neuroscientist, researcher & Senior Manager, Climate Change and Sustainability Services
Ernst & Young Australia

Dr Emily Heath is a neuroscientist, researcher and Senior Manager in the Climate Change and Sustainability Services team at Ernst & Young Australia. Emily holds a PhD in behavioural neuroscience from the University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre.

Emily has been the architect of multiple behaviour change programs for youth and young adults, including numerous financial capability programs. She has also led research and evaluation projects across diverse areas such as financial education, cyber safety and novice driver education. She is the author of ‘How do we really build financial capability? 10 principles for financial interventions’ and is co-author of ‘Purpose-aligned leadership’, ‘Game On: How Video Games are Changing Education’ as well as several peer-reviewed articles in academic journals. Her research has been presented globally at conferences including the Annual Conference on Financial Education, the Business Educators of Australasia National Conference, the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience and the meeting of the Australian Neuroscience Society. Her PhD focused on the molecular mechanisms of decision making and learning.