Erin Jensen

Erin Jensen


Erin is a partner in KPMG’s indirect tax practice in Vancouver and Calgary. She leads KPMG’s indirect tax reverse audit and tax transformation practices in Western Canada. Erin began her career in indirect tax more than 15 years ago, and has been focused on provincial sales taxes (PST) in all the PST provinces.

Her career in indirect tax began as a recovery review professional, and as a result, Erin has toured hundreds of manufacturing facilities, mines, mills, well sites, power facilities, gas plants and refineries over the course of her career, giving her a unique, operations-friendly perspective on PST applicability. Her operations experience allows her to provide meaningful examples of the manufacturing exemptions available to companies across all the provinces.

Erin is a frequent speaker on indirect tax topics, including at the Commodity Tax Symposium, TEI conferences and various industry events.