Heather Taylor

Heather Taylor

Heather Taylor is the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer for the City of Toronto, and in this role she provides oversight of an annual $13 billion operating budget, a $40 billion capital budget, and leads a financial transformation agenda to help Toronto's elected officials make the most informed, sustainable decisions as it responds to emerging priorities.

As the fastest growing cities in North America and the largest city in Canada, long-term financial sustainability is imperative for Toronto to recover, adapt and thrive. Under Heather's leadership, the city was the first Canadian Government to introduce a Social Sustainability framework and issue a social bond despite the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Heather's attention to the fight against climate change was initially triggered while she was the Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Administrative Officer in the Ontario Government, Ministry of Environment Conservation and Parks. Today, she continues to advocate and commit to empowering women. In the spring of this year she co-launched the inaugural Toronto edition of C40's Women4Climate Mentorship Programme (Women4ClimateTO), making Toronto the third Canadian city to participate in the growing international initiative that aims to compel women to become global agents of change.

For her contributions to the accounting profession and community, Heather was awarded the distinctive designation of Fellow (FCPA and FCA). Her service and experience has also led to her appointment to the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB).

Heather is also an award-winning lecturer at the University of Toronto for the CPA financial curriculum, and is the recipient of the Leadership Amethyst Award for Creating "Women in Government", a network in the Ontario Government that encourages equality and professional growth.