Howard E. Johnson

Howard E. Johnson

Howard has been advising business owners and executives on acquisitions, divestitures, financing and shareholder value initiatives for over 20 years. He currently serves as Managing Director at Duff & Phelps in Toronto, one of the world’s leading corporate finance and valuation firms. Previously, Howard was the co-owner of Campbell Valuation Partners and its sister firm Veracap M&A International, boutique valuation and corporate finance firms. Howard has held senior management roles in various corporations and has served on the Board of Directors for public companies, privately held companies, charities and various professional organizations.

Howard is the author of numerous publications, including several books published by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, including: Strategic Acquisitions (2015); Selling a Private Company (2014); and Business Valuation (2012). He is a frequent speaker at conferences throughout North America and has acted as an expert witness on valuation matters before the courts.

Howard has been awarded a Fellowship by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (Fellow Chartered Accountant and Fellow Certified Management Accountant) and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators. He also holds the designations of Certified Public Accountant (Illinois), Chartered Financial Analyst, Accredited Senior Appraiser, Corporate Finance specialist and Chartered Director. Howard earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Concordia University (Governor General’s Award, 1988), a Graduate Diploma in Public Accountancy from McGill University (Kenneth F. Byrd Prize, 1989), a Master of Business Administration from McMaster University (D. M. Hedden Gold Medal, 1992), and a Doctor of Business Administration from the W. Edwards Deming School of Business at William Howard Taft University.

Howard lives in Oakville, Ontario, with his wife, Julie. Together, they have four children (Veronica, Michael, Laura and Russell), a dog (Kelly) and three cats (Keeley, Spookie and Kovu).