Judy Cotte

Judy Cotte

Judy is VP and head, Corporate Governance and Responsible Investment, for RBC Global Asset Management (RBC GAM), and is a member of the firm’s executive committee. The Corporate Governance and Responsible Investment team oversees all of RBC GAM’s activities related to corporate governance and responsible investment, including the more formal integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the investment process, proxy voting and the firm’s ESG-focused engagement program.

Prior to joining RBC GAM, Judy was the director of policy development and chief operating officer for the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance (CCGG), a coalition of most of Canada’s largest institutional investors. Before joining CCGG, she completed her Master’s degree in securities law while working on special projects for various branches of the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC), including the Office of Domestic and International Affairs, Enforcement, and Corporate Finance. Previously, she was senior litigation counsel with the OSC, where she prosecuted offences under the Securities Act, including misleading disclosure, market manipulation and insider trading. Prior to joining the OSC, Judy was litigation counsel for a large broker/dealer and before she took that position, she was a partner in a Bay Street law firm.

Judy is a member of CCGG’s Public Policy Committee and the TSX Listings Advisory Committee. She has been designated the country correspondent for Canada by the International Corporate Governance Network. She is a past member of the OSC’s Securities Advisory Committee, Continuous Disclosure Advisory Committee, Environmental Reporting Advisory Committee and Enforcement Committee. She was previously the Canada correspondent for the Council of Institutional Investors.