Keith Taylor

Keith Taylor

Keith is the Executive Director of The DUCA Impact Lab, a social finance innovation hub founded by DUCA Credit Union. The Impact Lab works as a lever for leveraging emerging technology and community-based insight to build banking models that benefit members of the community. In addition to innovation work, he also leads development of the Credit Union’s ESG strategy and advises the Executive Team and Credit Union Board on ESG risks and opportunities. Throughout Keith's career at DUCA, he has led the development of Canada’s first social purpose mortgage product, the emergence of DUCA as Toronto’s first living wage employer, as well as the certification of DUCA as the first B-Corp Credit Union globally. Keith is a League of Intrapreneurs Global Fellow and a member of the BMW Foundations Responsible Leaders network. He holds an MBA from the Schulich School of Business at York University, and a BA from Saint Francis Xavier University. He is a proud father of twin girls and lives in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.