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R. Murray Lindsay


Murray is the former dean and an accounting professor in the Faculty of Management at the University of Lethbridge. Prior to this, he taught in the Richard Ivey School of Business at Western University and the Edwards School of Business at the University of Saskatchewan.

Murray's current research interests in management accounting lie in several areas. He believes that academic research in the field must be both rigorous and relevant to practice. To this end, he is developing a comprehensive methodology focused on the case study method. As an early follower of the Beyond Budgeting movement, he continues to critically examine this model of performance management and how management control systems must change to foster employee empowerment and innovation. His research in this area has earned him an award from the International Federation of Accountants. More recently, he has begun to examine the role of management control systems in facilitating strategic adaptation and look at why transformational change must be socially constructed. He was also an early advocate of the quality and just-in-time (JIT) movements and has worked with numerous organizations to implement the principles of quality and employee empowerment in both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors.

Previously, Murray was a regular presenter in performance management for the former Certified Management Accountants of Canada executive and CFO professional development programs. He was the president of the management accounting section of the American Accounting Association in 013-14 and is currently a member of the editorial board of Contemporary Accounting Research.