Randall Craig

Randall Craig


Randall Craig helps firms rethink their approach to marketing and business development using web, social and mobile strategy. Randall has founded several successful start-ups, held a long-time position at a “big-four” firm and was an executive at an American public company. He has been advising on Internet strategy since 1994, when he put KPMG, the Toronto Star and 100+ other major organizations online.

Randall is the CEO and chief strategist at 108 ideaspace, and is the author of seven books, including Online PR and Social Media, Social Media for Business and Everything Guide to Starting an Online Business. He hosts Professionally Speaking TV, blogs for the Huffington Post and appears frequently in the media as an expert on the web and social media.

For the last decade, Randall has served at the board level for several national organizations and has earned a CFA, MBA, CMC, CSP, and a black belt in karate.