Roxanne Wong

Roxanne Wong

Roxanne has specialized in tax litigation and dispute resolution for over a decade. Previously a Crown counsel for the Department of Justice (DOJ), she has a thorough understanding of the inner workings of the DOJ, CRA and Ontario Ministry of Finance. She advocates for clients on income and indirect tax matters at the audit and objection stages, and before the courts. She has also led and managed several complex multijurisdictional tax controversy projects.

She is a frequent contributor to the Canadian Tax Foundation and EY Electronic Publishing Inc.’s publications, and presenter for CPA Canada and the Tax Executive Institute. She has served as a judge panelist for the Canadian National Jessup International Moot Competition and as a faculty member of the CPA Canada In-Depth Transfer Pricing Course, Humber College’s Paralegal program and various Ernst & Young LLP continuing education workshops.

Roxanne volunteers her time as the Technology Liaison for the OBA International Law Section, a committee member of EY Ascend and was previously a co-captain of EY’s Dragonboat team.