Scott Hannah

Scott Hannah

Scott has led the Credit Counselling Society from its inception in 1996. Each year the society helps tens of thousands of Canadians through education, financial counselling and debt repayment solutions. To date, the society has helped its clients repay over $300 million of debt.

Scott is a recognized leader in the field of consumer finance and is a strong advocate for improving financial literacy in Canada. He is regularly sought out by government agencies and the media across Canada for consultation on consumer financial matters. His weekly financial advice blog, "Your Bottom Line," is featured in the Vancouver Province online newspaper and provides practical tips and solutions to everyday money matters. He has served on a number of industry-related boards and has been recognized by Credit Counselling Canada, the national association of not-for-profit credit counselling agencies, for his dedication and volunteer service.

Scott is a registered insolvency counsellor and holds a Business Administration Diploma from the British Columbia Institute of Technology. He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in 2012 by University Canada West for helping to positively change the lives of thousands of Canadians struggling with debt and for being a strong advocate for fair consumer legislation.