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Susan Betts

Susan was appointed to the position of director general of the Small and Medium Enterprises Directorate, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on September 30, 2013. Prior this appointment, she held the position of director general of the Scientific Research and Experimental Development Directorate from July 2011, was the transformation lead for the Compliance Programs Branch (CPB) since November 2011, and served as interim director of the Business Intelligence and Corporate Management Directorate since April 2013.

Susan started her career with the CRA in 1985 and held progressively senior positions in the Audit and Scientific Research and Experimental Development programs in the Toronto, Mississauga and Ottawa tax services offices (TSO) and within the CPB. In 2008 she transferred to the Ottawa TSO as the assistant director of audit. In 2009, she was appointed as director of the Technical Applications and Valuations Division in the CPB. From March 2010 to June 2011, Susan was acting director general of the Audit Professional Services Directorate.

Susan graduated with a Bachelor of Business Management degree from Ryerson University in Toronto, and is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA).