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PSAB: Updating our approach to International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)

Hear about the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB)'s overview of its 2020 decision to adapt International IPSAS principles when developing future standards.

At its May 5, 2020 meeting, PSAB voted to adapt IPSAS principles when developing future standards. This decision was years in the making, including extensive consultation with Canadian stakeholders. The implementation date of this decision is April 1, 2021. To learn more about PSAB’s decision around its international strategy and what this means for Canadian stakeholders, attend this free on-demand webinar.

CPA Canada and the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (PSAB)

  • Why did PSAB review its approach to IPSAS?
  • What international strategy decision did PSAB make?
  • What does this mean for Canadian stakeholders?

  • preparers and users of public sector financial statements
  • auditors
  • those who work with the government and related agencies

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