Two businessmen shake hands, with group of shareholders in the background

Shareholder value: Measurement, creation and realization

Purchase this publication to receive a practical, hands-on explanation of how business value is measured and created, and how business owners and executives can realize that increased value upon succession or sale of a company.

This ebook shows readers how to create a competitive advantage that builds intangible value within a company – which is the essence of value creation. Written in clear, easy-to-understand language, this comprehensive guide explains the practical steps involved in value measurement, creation and realization for the business.

Three sections are covered:

  • Value measurement, including principles, common approaches for determining the value of a company, and the important distinction between tangible net worth and intangible value.
  • Value creation, which focuses on how a competitive advantage leads to a superior return on invested capital within a company.
  • Value realization, which discusses the various liquidity alternatives ranging from shareholder distributions, to family succession, to transactions involving strategic buyers and private equity firms.

About the accomplished author Howard Johnson